I’m Michael Rorick
Author / Educator / Healer / Health & Wellness Coach
My Passion is Your Peace and My Happiness is Your Health.
Healing is not so much a process of restoration, it is more a process of transformation in which we release our limiting thoughts, beliefs and bonds to a new set of universal truths and alignments.
~ Michael Rorick
Transformations in Health
We are all energy beings and we live in accordance to the laws of energy within our universe. Religion asks for faith and science asks for facts. What if they’re both right and we place our faith along side of the facts?
Transvibrational Life Coaching™
An integrative approach to health, healing and creating abundant living practices.
Helping You to Become Alive Without Limits
Unlock Your Full Potential. Say Hello to THE NEW YOU
Self love is so misunderstood and so is selfishness. When the airline attendant tells us to put the mask on first, it’s to help ourselves so we can better assist others. I invite you to become selfish for a bit by working on yourself. You’ll find that doing the work is one of the best expressions of self love on earth. Then You Can Spread it All Over
Guided Meditations and Meditative Self-Healing
Neuro-linguistics, Reiki, Energy Healing
Personal Training, Naturopath Nutrition, Enzyme Wellness
Emotional Release, Hypnosis, Pain Relief and more
Spiritual Growth and Personal Transformation
Goal Setting
What we focus on, becomes that which is most real in our lives.
If you’ve ever gotten your car stuck in a rut, you’ve probably noticed that gravity wants to hold you in place. It’s a natural law of the universe. How do we get out? We use leverage, add traction or we get someone to help pull us out.
Targeting our thoughts can give us some leverage in plotting our course in life. Adding emotion gives us traction. A daily practice of focusing and acting on our health, wellness and spiritual growth gives us purpose to create life lasting changes. Then, we will see what becomes most real.
Relationship Coaching
Time, Money, Sex, Health, Communication:
These are the foundations that happy relationships are built upon.
Yet, many times the challenges we experience in our relationships are the subconscious rules and beliefs that have been passed down and ingrained over the years. By learning to remove these blocks, you and your partner can experience a whole new level of communication, understanding, trust and intimacy.
Stress Management
Anxiety, Depression and Stress can create serious health conditions.
When you say stress, some people think you’re implying that it’s all in their head. In truth, where thoughts are the language of the mind, emotions are the language of the body. These both work together to create the conditions in our lives.
Learn tools to eliminate stress and distress forever! Create health, wellness and stress free living.
You are what you eat, Many times it comes down to what is eating you as well.
Our food sources have changed over the past few years. Refined foods, GMOs, environmental challenges, as well as poor farming practices all contribute to our health and well being. Some of the fittest people I know have found themselves facing health challenges.
Learn how foods can heal, the roles they plays in our lives and how to take control of what may be eating you.
What Is Transvibrational Healing™?
Who Is Transvibrational Coaching for?
All things in life are energy by nature and all energy resonates at specific frequencies. Like water, slower vibrations are found in the denser matter of ice and the faster vibrations result in steam. Our body is mostly water and the vibrations of our thoughts carry weight as well. Some of these thoughts exist below our level of conscious thinking. Transvibrational Healing is an integrative method where we can liberate the body and mind from the conscious and subconscious thoughts that carry the most weight and replace them with ones that offer the greatest amount of Peace, Joy, Gratitude and Love. Once we liberate ourselves from these limits, we have a foundation where all our healing may be built uopn.
What Type of Methods Are Used in Transvibrational Healing?
Transvibrational Healing utilizes trance or altered states of consciousness to create healing. These methods can include modalities such as: Meditation, Neurolinguistics, Hypnosis, Reiki, Sound Healing and Energy Healing. Along with the above healing modalities, We’ll incorporate healthy food choices and simple exercise to lessen and/or remove toxins from the system.
What Type of Conditions Has This Been Found Effective With?
Some of my clients have reported relief from conditions such as: Arthritis, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Migraine Headaches, Chronic Pain, High Blood Pressure, Torn Meniscus, Spinal Stenosis, Back Conditions, Addictions, Cancers, IBS, Gastrointestinal / Digestive Issues, Stress, Grief, Anxiety and Depression.
Who Can Benefit From This Method?
Anyone who wishes to improve their life in all areas.
Are These Methods to Replace Conventional Medicine?
These methods fall under a category known as complementary medicine. They are intended to work along with your physician or current medical care and are NOT a substitute.
What are Some of the Benefits of Transvibrational Coaching?
The benefits are numerous. Transvibrational Coaching™ is a method of re-calibrating homeostasis in every area of your life. Have you ever noticed how a 50 degree day after a warm summer feels so different than a 50 degree day after a cold winter? We get used to the conditions of our environment. That’s homeostasis. Transvibrational coaching is like turning up the thermostat when we’re cold and creating a new set point or raising our bar to new levels. Think of how this may affect your health, wealth, relationships, career…
About Me
I have to admit, I love this stuff! I have been studying health and our human conditions for decades. Intuitive by nature, and a lover of music, my spiritual journey began unfolding in my teens. While my passion has always been music and I’ve made a career of it for most of my life, I’ve also had a keen interest in the human spirit. In my late 20’s, I began studying things such as energy healing, intuition and Neurolinguistics. Confronted with my own health conditions that followed a severe auto accident, I have put my faith into practice and have excelled in every area of my life that the doctors told me I could not.
My current studies and certifications include:
- Certified Personal Training
- Fitness Nutrition
- Weight Management Specialist
- Naturopath Nutrition Diploma
- Certified Enzyme and Wellness Specialist
- Certified Reiki Master
- Certified in Neuroliguistics
- Studies in Neuroscience
- Certified in Hypnosis
- Meditation Expert (Guided Visualizations)
- Quantum Touch Healing
- Hands on Healing – Bengston Healing Method
- Certified Life Coach / Health Coach
Online Resources

Wellness eBook

The Pillars of Good Health

Coming Events and Workshops
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